Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Mark Calitri speaks tourism: Wooks band to open local Brand USA campaign

Mark Calitri speaks tourism:  Wooks band to open local Brand USA campaign

  Brand USA selected Owensboro as one of its Top 10 American Music Cities.

This is a big opportunity for Owensboro," Mark Calitri, CVB president, said of the Hear the Music promotion. "We're working on a campaign in this country as well."

Videos about each of the cities are already online.

Calitri said the Owensboro video — at https://vimeo.com/316908379 — has had more views so far than any of the other nine places.

"We're at more than 1 million views so far," he said.


Visit Owensboro is the official destination marketing organization for Owensboro and Daviess County Kentucky. www.visitowensboro.com Mark Calitri serves as President/CEO.


Mark Calitri speaks tourism: Kentucky All A Boys baseball and girls’ softball a success for Owensboro!

Mark Calitri speaks tourism:  Kentucky All A Boys baseball and girls’ softball a success for Owensboro!

Late April brought intense competition to Owensboro for the Kentucky All A boy’s baseball championships and Kentucky All A girls’ softball championships. The girl’s championships brought 16 of the best teams from across Kentucky. Louisville Holy Cross took home the trophy for first place. The boy’s championships brought 8 teams from across the state and Beechwood, from Northern Kentucky took home first place.

Mark Calitri, president of Visit Owensboro said, “The event was a tremendous success producing over $270,000 economic impact to Owensboro and Daviess county.”


Visit Owensboro is the official destination marketing organization for Owensboro and Daviess County Kentucky. www.visitowensboro.com Mark Calitri serves as President/CEO.


Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Mark Calitri speaks about Owensboro Kentucky: CVB continues to thrive!

Mark Calitri speaks about Owensboro Kentucky:  CVB continues to thrive!

"Brand USA's international campaign is valuable to Owensboro because Brand USA's marketing expertise reaches millions of new visitors throughout the world," Calitri said. "You just can't buy that type of national and international exposure and we are going to capitalize on it."

Claude Bacon, vice president of sales, e-commerce and administration for Owensboro-based LinGate Hospitality, which operates the Holiday Inn and Courtyard by Marriott, said 2018 had "positive momentum" for those hotels.

"We see that positive momentum continuing in 2019," he said.

But Bacon said, "New hotel supply in the market could affect occupancy rates."


Visit Owensboro is the official destination marketing organization for Owensboro and Daviess County Kentucky. www.visitowensboro.com Mark Calitri serves as President/CEO.

Mark Calitri speaks tourism:  Owensboro selected as Brand USA ‘Hear the Music’ City

Owensboro was selected as one of 10 music cities for Brand USA’s Hear the Music campaign, joining the ranks with cities like New Orleans, Miami, West Hollywood, Las Vegas and Detroit.

“This puts Owensboro on both the national and international map,” said Mark Calitri, President and CEO of Visit Owensboro, noting that the Hear the Music campaign has already launched overseas.

See the complete article: https://www.owensborotimes.com/entertainment/events/2019/04/owensboro-selected-as-brand-usa-hear-the-music-city/

“This is perhaps the biggest marketing opportunity in the history of Owensboro on an international scale. Internationally, these videos are being used as marketing tools and already have over a million views,” Calitri said of the Owensboro-featured music video and documentary.

Visit Owensboro is the official destination marketing organization for Owensboro and Daviess County Kentucky. www.visitowensboro.com Mark Calitri serves as President/CEO.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Mark Calitri speaks leadership: The intersection of life and business. Leadership and getting things done!

Mark Calitri speaks leadership: The intersection of life and business
According to Jon Gordon, bestselling author:
1. Don’t let negativity win today!
2. Remember it starts with you.
3. If you are complaining, you aren’t’ leading!
Mark Calitri is the president of the Owensboro Daviess County Convention and Visitors Bureau.

Visit Owensboro is the official destination marketing organization for Owensboro and Daviess County Kentucky. www.visitowensboro.com Mark Calitri serves as President/CEO.

For more information on leadership see www.connect2win.com

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Mark Calitri speaks leadership: The intersection of life and business

Mark Calitri speaks leadership: The intersection of life and business
According to Jon Gordon, bestselling author:

3 Things to do today:
1. Don’t get caught in the comparison trap.
2. Don’t worry about things you can’t control.
3. Be the ‘seed’ and make a difference where you are.

Mark Calitri is the president of the Owensboro Daviess County Convention and Visitors Bureau.

Visit Owensboro is the official destination marketing organization for Owensboro and Daviess County Kentucky. www.visitowensboro.com